Monday, March 9, 2009

Date Update 2:

Meh. Due to my oh so subtle friends...>.> -hate- My prom plans have been....Stirred up a bit. Hmm. I dont know how John feels about prom. He's defi my numero uno, but he says he doesnt like dances and stuff of the like, but then again, he said the same thing about Homecoming when i asked him, only to ask ME later after I'd already had a date. I suppose it goes agaisnt his "I'm so BA" attitude or something. Whatever. I'll either convince him to go, or I'll go with Jade or something. I'll figure this out. I will NOT go stag again. DAMN IT.

Anyway, by the 28th (when John will hopefully be going with us to Decatur for the IFH show, explained more thouroughly in my blog) if I haven't made him change his mind, I'll ask Jade. That's my plan at least.


Well, I'll keep you updated on my date status as soon as it changes or at least whatever.

Rei Out


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